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Category: Level Up

Level up Your Email Marketing: Wrap-Up

Take your email marketing to the next level wrap-up

February 11, 2020

By now you’ve learned the true value of the drip campaign, you can structure your email to get results, and you know how to segment your audiences. With these email marketing best practices, you can use Pardot with Salesforce, Mailchimp, Lasso, Constant Contact, Klaviyo, or any other email marketing platform… Read More

Selecting an Email Marketing Audience

February 5, 2020

We’ve stressed the impact and importance of incorporating email marketing into your advertising strategy. We’ve told you the why and the how. Today we’ll identify the who. Defining your audience is one of the most important aspects of email marketing because it specifies exactly who you want the content to… Read More

Automating Your Emails With a Drip Campaign

Next Level: Drip Campaigns

January 22, 2020

When your site and customer service take center stage, it’s easy for your email strategy to fall through the cracks. As your audience begins to grow, it may feel overwhelming to keep up with all the emails you want to send and to deliver them in a timely manner. Although… Read More

Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level

Take your email marketing to the next level

January 15, 2020

You’re ready to level up your customer relationship management game. You’ve picked a CRM system, collected email addresses from your existing software, and maybe you’re even sending regular email campaigns already. But for whatever reason, your email performance is just not hitting the mark. Or maybe you know you would… Read More

Next Level for the Next Decade

January 10, 2020

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, it’s about the story you tell” –Seth Godin, Bestselling Author  As kids, we all had a vision of what the future would look like. Scenes of “The Jetsons” and “Back to the Future” came to mind when imagining the year 2020…. Read More