April 8, 2020
An email address on your list represents a potential customer who’s interested in hearing more from you about your product. But, what if you could refine those leads down to something more substantial? With the right relationship management and email strategy, you’ll have qualified leads who are ready to hear… Read More
April 2, 2020
Google Ads are the lead generation bread to a Facebook ad strategy’s butter. Where Facebook Ads are good at bringing in potentially interested visitors, Google Ads are phenomenal at finding people who are actively looking to buy. Imagine being the first result when someone searches for a new home in… Read More
March 25, 2020
Each platform is unique when it comes to lead generation, and Facebook is no exception. It’s heavily-used, creates plenty of touch points, and has some stellar lead generation ad options built in. How can you leverage this powerful platform to direct potential customers to your brand and get them to… Read More
March 20, 2020
There are a variety of audiences that your product could work for, but for your company to thrive you need to make sure you’re marketing to the right audience for lead generation. This can be tricky as every platform has a different way to choose audiences; however, we have some… Read More
March 10, 2020
Generating quality leads for your business is a full-time job. You’re sending emails, writing blogs, and delivering social content – you should be seeing solid results, but for some reason they’re underperforming. In this blog series, we are going to break down digital lead generation, starting with the basics. This… Read More