Instagram Stories | Brock Built Case Study
October 16, 2018

The Ask
Local Atlanta home builder, Brock Built, looked to Rearview for help on increasing their site traffic engagement from social media. They wanted to maximize their budget by increasing interest in the new homebuyers market, while also seeing a measurable return on investment.
The Answer
With this in mind, we reviewed their social media channel metrics and discovered they were missing an opportunity. They needed to go where the people are: Instagram Stories. With Brock Built’s beautiful photography of their gorgeous homes, we created engaging Story content perfectly tailored to the platform and their targeted audience of Atlanta home buyers.
The Proof
With Instagram Stories seeing 300+ million daily users and being an under-utilized placement for brands, we wanted to make sure Brock Built’s presence among users’ content would fit in and feel natural. Since Instagram Stories is often auto-selected as a placement in Facebook advertising, we knew specifically-sized Story content would be crucial to getting users to engage.
Rearview used Brock Built’s photography to create two bright, single, full-screen Story ads featuring their exquisite exteriors in specific communities around Atlanta. We also created two carousel Story units that feature a more inviting visual of their homes to encourage a personal experience with Instagrammers.
Additional “Swipe Up” Story-only call-to-action copy was added within the imagery to help drive more action from the ad. These ads were served to a broad Atlanta DMA audience who have visited Brock Built’s website previously as well as users who are similar to them. We tested Instagram Story ads against traditional Facebook ads in August and September of 2018 and saw these results in comparison:

We Help Brands
Customizing Brock Built’s content for a seamless, engaging experience on Instagram Stories gained exposure for their home building brand and drove an incremental amount of site visits. Want help telling your Story? Contact us on how we can help!