5 Content Ideas for Great Local SEO That you can do Before Lunch
June 30, 2020
Your content strategy is a key part of building local SEO and taking your visibility to the next level. We understand it can be tough at first to feed the content beast – so here are some of our ideas for great local SEO (that you’ll be able to do before lunch, seriously).

1. Local Focal Points
Come up with a list of favorites in the area, with a short description for each. Don’t run out all of your ideas at once though – consider creating seasonal best-of lists; something like “Best Restaurants in Atlanta for Spring 2020” is a great example. Rinse and repeat as needed.
2. Announce it Loud and Proud
Take out your phone and just record a snippet of yourself explaining a local event you’re attending or hosting – the video doesn’t even have to be of you! Post in a few places and mention the event/location by name in the text of your post. All the better if it’s happening at your place of business.
3. Take the Words Out of Their Mouths
Testimonials are great, but your best customers may just need a little push to share their great experience. Give them a call and discuss their experience firsthand. While you have them on the phone, ask if you can “quote them on that.” Write out the quote and send it to them for approval so you can add it to your content.
4. Industry-specific Local Content
Speak shortly about what matters to your business and customers. A cafe could write a blog post about how statewide supply problems affect coffee prices in town, and alternative drinks potential customers can enjoy. The owner of a marina could go out onto the docks every morning and talk about weather conditions on the lake in a short video clip. Whatever you’re comfortable with – it doesn’t need to be too polished. Of course, if you do want polished video content to use you can always call Rearview.
(As a side note: anything you do can be posted to a different platform as a different kind of content. Shoot a short video? Transcribe it into a blog post – then post the video on youtube and add a link to the blog in description and vice-versa. If your content is present in more places, there’s more of a chance that search engines will put two and two together and your rank will inch further up.)

5. Feature Your Recent Projects
You can always talk about projects you’ve done for locals – with their permission, and protecting any personal info. This is similar to a testimonial, and the little details aren’t that important. A general idea of where the project happened and how the customer reacted would be enough for a short video clip or social media post.
Branch Out, Level Up
The key takeaway, do what’s easiest for you. And if you’re too busy to worry about generating your own content ideas, not to worry – local SEO and content strategy are second nature to us at Rearview Advertising. Reach out using the form below and let’s discuss the results you want for your business.
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